Witchball Update 1.1

Hey all!

IRL things have kept me from finishing as much as I wanted on the first update for my first game, Witchball. I had planned to add several new levels featuring new enemies, each with their own unique special ability. That... did not happen lol. 

Because of aforementioned IRL stuff, I probably won't be able to finish those features for a while or post them before the new year when I do, but I wanted to post an update for the stuff I was able to fix. 

Here's what that stuff is: 

  • Refactored a lot of code (like.... all of it) with the goal of reducing coupling and increasing cohesion to prepare for new features going forward
  • Replaced one of the witch sprites with a new sprite to reflect the new levels (and order thereof) I'm implementing
  • Gave that new witch a fully functional special ability
  • Began improving the enemy AI, which currently is.... not great! It works for the first level though, and improvements for the future levels with hopefully also scale with difficulty
  • Fixed a few bugs with animations and UI displays so that they are actually displaying properly 

That more or less covers it for now. The changes to come next include 2 more levels with 2 more witches and 2 more special abilities. There are four levels planned overall, and three modes (single player, two player [which is also implemented currently], and infinity mode). 

I'm gonna do my best to get the next update out before the new year, but it's more likely it'll be released during the first week of 2022. 

So I'll see you then! Thanks for reading, and I hope you check out Witchball!

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays :) 

 - Grem


Witchball Play in browser
Dec 26, 2021

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